There are deliberate policies in place to limit the development of warrior ethics within Muslim populations. At the same time, those who enter the military in Muslim countries are often deliberately “deIslamized,” or selected from among the least religious segments of society.

Some of the ways the non-Islamic character of the military is enforced is by ensuring that recruits do not pray, and don’t have any marks of prayer on their bodies, such as callouses on the ankles, knees, or forehead. They are also prohibited from wearing beards in most countries, and sent to socialize and train with British, Americans, and other polytheists so that they become comfortable with them and view them as allies.

This process is completed by incorporating many rituals from Christian militaries, including wearing specific garments, ceremonies honoring national flags, and salutes. The origin of the salute, where a soldier raises has hand to his head in the presence of a superior officer, for example, is distinctly Christian, and goes back to the days when European knights would remove their helmets in the presence of their lord. Removing the hat is specifically recommended by the Bible as a
characteristic of worship for men.

We have a situation where the Islam is de-militarized, and the military is de-Islamized. This makes religion a domain of the weak, and kufr a domain of the strong. To counter this, we have to revive the warrior tradition of Islam, and counter elements of polytheist culture that have influenced militaries in Muslim lands. In short, Islamize militaries, and
militarize Muslims. There are a few sincere Muslims within the militaries of Muslim majority countries, and one of the best ways to remedy this problem is to communicate with them and explain these realities. For example, raising awareness that national symbols are the result of foreign influence and contain elements derived from other religions. It’s also important to raise awareness that when times get tough, kafir “allies” will turn their back on the Muslims in favor of their own.

Reminders of the martial aspects of the sunnah, the obligation to stand against the many attacks on the religion happening around the world, and generally increasing mental and physical preparation are a few of the ways that we can re-militarize the Muslims. Because of the intentional programs to demilitarize practicing Muslims, efforts to cultivate martial spirit among Muslims must be decentralized and take place through small scale social networks. Where possible they might need to be disguised as foreign sports like football or parkour.